End summer break with a bang by giving an exciting gift to your kids. Give them something to talk about when school resume with our Destination online summer camp cooking class. Each Day they learn how to cook a meal or two from a different country/culture from the comfort of their home. Your child, pre-teen or teen will explore the world through their taste buds. We have a delicious, and fun hand-on cooking class that transports your child to a different destination each day. These classes teach children not only how to cook but exposes them to culture. They learn how to make different cultural foods, and use different ingredients, spices, etc. around the world while learning about the culture of the food that they are cooking. Children would learn how to incorporate spices such as ginger, garlic, cumin, curry, etc. in their cooking. Note: None of these meals are made to be spicy (no heat or hot peppers). It is kids and adult friendly for those who do not like spicy foods.
Sessions Includes
Day 1: Tour of Africa
Brief description: In this class, A tour of Africa cooking class is where we teach children that Africa is a continent (not a country) with different regions. Children will tour the different regions of Africa, cooking and enjoying delicious meals from the different regions in Africa. We take them to the North, South, East and Western parts of Africa through their taste buds. We educate them on differences and similarities.
Day 2: Jamaican Experience
Brief description: In this class, Jamaican experience, children get to learn the history of Jamaica. While making their delicious meals, they learn about the African and European influences found in Jamaican dishes.
Day 3: Flavor of Asia
Brief description: During this class children will enjoy the flavors of South and East Asia. Learn about the bold spices (curry, cumin) and other umami flavor found in these delicious meals. Children will learn difference and similarities between these two regions.
Day 4: Experience America (North & South) with a touch of Spanish influence
Brief description: During this class children will understand the flavors of America. Understand the culture and the meals that stems from these regions in America.
Day 5: Taste of Europe
Brief description: During this class children will learn how to cook some delicious meals from France and Italy.
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Online Class
Our Cooking Class with teens in their school